Me and Marisa working on our skirts
So once you get the legs cut off, you will need to set them aside as they will become the center of your skirt. From here, get out your seam ripper and rip the seams on the cut off jeans {see below}
The legs that you cut off earlier become the center piece of the skirt. Make sense? In order to do this, we cut the leg fabric in half and laid it out flat so the seam was down the middle.
And then you just pin it in place. You will use the other leg for the back of the skirt.
Yes, I do own a sewing machine and no, I don't know how to do anything other than a straight stitch. But this project is so easy and you honestly can't mess it up. Here I am sewing the pieces back together. After you sew the back and front pieces, just cut off the excess fabric and you are done.