Thursday, October 14, 2010

Halloween Decorating

Every neighborhood always has that one house that is decked out for Halloween where they have transformed their yard into a graveyard and their garage into a haunted house. I have to say that I absolutely LOVE those houses. And all the kids flock there and it turns into a neighborhood gathering. Well, that just isn't my house....maybe one of these days. I've always wondered where those people store that stuff the other 364 days of the year. I'm more of a vignette kinda gal with simple Halloween touches scattered around. Meet Helga Henson! Isn't she fab?! She is the witchiest of all witches. My mom just had her cut out of metal for me and surprised me last weekend with her. She is almost life size and even holds a real lantern!

The Witching Hour by the front door

Vintage inspired paper mache masks

Even the butlers pantry gets a little spooky!

Happy Haunting!


  1. Tia love Helga and the look of your house for Halloween.

  2. Thank you! I was so excited when my mom surprised me with her! I just love Helga, too! Can't wait to light the lantern!!

  3. LOVE the front door, pumpkins and witching hour display!

  4. LOVE these decorations! Can you tell us more about the pumpkins with the "D" on them. I'd love to see closer photos & know how it was done.

    Warmly, Michelle

  5. Thanks guys! Michelle, I had them cut out with vinyl last year and then just applied them to those fake pumpkins. That way I can use them over and over again.
