Sunday, August 8, 2010

Subway Art

Last month when we were together in Chicago, Tia and I had were lucky enough to get some crafty time in during our visit. One of the projects that we worked on was Subway Art. Subway Art is popping up all over craft blogs everywhere so of course we had to make our "own" versions that meant something to us and our families.
Tia and Andrea being Crafty!!!
Tia working on her Art. We got carried away and didn't take a picture of me working on mine. lol!!!

Here is how we made our Art:

We bought inexpensive canvas at Hobby Lobby while they were on sale. We sprayed painted the canvas using London Fog spray paint from Rustoleum. It is the a great Muddy Taupe color that we both could use in our homes. It is on clearance at Hobby Lobby right now so even better!!! We did use several coats of paint on the canvases.

We thought of the text that we wanted to use on our Subway art pieces. Tia used all the places that she has lived with her husband & family plus a couple of other places that are special to them. I used all the places that we have traveled to on vacation on mine.
We used my Silhouette Machine to cut out the letters out of white card stock. We cut them out while changing up the fonts and sizes to make them interesting. I love the silhouette because you can cut out any font that is on your computer.

We carefully layed out how we wanted our canvases to look and then glued the letters down using Mod Podge. I love Mod Podge because it is easy to use and cleans up just as easy plus it acts as a glue and a sealer in one. We used several coats of Mod Podge and let them dry before hanging them up on our walls.

Our Subway Art



Have a great week!!!

andrea and tia


  1. You guys are so creative. I love how they both turned out - awesome! Thanks for linking up to my Subway Art Party!

