Thursday, July 29, 2010

Down by the Seashore... really where I want to be right now, but instead, I'm here in Chicago preparing for our upcoming move very very soon! Yay!! Since Andrea isn't here with me and my other crafting partner moved away I have packed up the craft supplies for a while and just doing touches of decorating here and there. I found this lovely vintage flash card that says "Coral Reef" on it and I thought it made the perfect addition to this vignette. My mom sent me this beautiful and sparkly glittered anchor from Wendy Addison {one of my favs} so I hung it under this huge glass cloche. We've kept all the shells we have gathered from past trips and I love to sprinkle them around my house in the summertime.

Sally sells seashells down by the seashore...

Faithful and true

I love how this wooden 7 looks like it was found washed up on the seashore! It's creamy and chippy all in one and looks great on my robins egg blue walls. I was so happy to find it. It is huge and measures 2 feet tall!
For those who are wondering what the #7 means to me, it represents my husband and 5 children. I just love love love it!

Happy Summertime!!
tia & andrea


  1. Hey girl,
    Im not familiar with Wendy Addison so if its reference to a deisgner or crafter, forgive me but I totally think you should create a pendant like anchor that says "faithful and true." Love it!:)

  2. Girl, we are on the same page! I actually did one and it was cute. It sold right away at my last show. Yes, Wendy Addison is an artist that my mom and I just love. We've collected her stuff for many years.

  3. Love the numbers 5 and 7. I would love to have tons of those around the house. Perfect!

