Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Hi y'all. Sorry I've been away for a while. Just been so busy with Crimson Clover and so many changes in my life. With the kids almost out of school, I've been busy nesting around the, baby #6 isn't here. Just spending time out in this beautiful weather, enjoying my kids, and spending time with friends. Speaking of friends, we have had a lot of nature friends around our house this year. It's our 4th summer here in Chicagoland and this is the first year we've had squirrels and bunnies and birds in abundance. I wanted to share with you this gorgeous robin's nest in the tree in our front yard. The kids and I have had so much fun watching the mama bird take care of these beautiful and fragile eggs. We can't wait until they hatch!!
Happy Nesting!
tia & andrea


  1. What a beautiful nest of pretty blue eggs....a sure sign of spring!! Cathy "girls gone junkin"

  2. Hi Cathy. I can't find your blog. Will you send me the link? Thanks bunches!!
