Tuesday, April 6, 2010

T is for Thompson

I am loving Monograms right now and have several "T"s for Thompson( my last name) and "3"s for the number that is in our family around our living room. I saw this idea I while back on another blog(sorry I can't remember where) of a moss covered Monogram. I couldn't' wait to make one for myself. I picked up some supplies at Michael's and in about 15 minutes I had a moss covered "T" for my mantle. I love it and it looks fresh and springy to me.


a wooden letter

moss (I got the kind that will stay green and it is in sheets)

hot glue gun

glue sticks


I used an old pizza box to catch all the moss pieces that fell off while glueing the moss on the letter.

I forgot to take a picture of letter as I was covering it until it was almost done.
You glue the moss on the letter in small sections. I used my scissors to cut the moss.

Finished Product on my mantle.
Love it!!!

Andrea & Tia

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