Monday, March 1, 2010

Happy March!

Happy March, y'all! Gettin' the house ready for spring is one of my most favorite things. Especially if you live in Chicago, spring could not come soon enough for this Southern gal! March is one of my favorite months with 2 special birthdays. Piper's birthday is on the 16th and my mom's is on the 17th, so I'm a big fan of St. Patty's Day! Here are just a few of my St. Patty's Day touches.

Love the burlap and glitter shamrock banner! And with Vicki's cupcake banner {thanks, girl!}, I think the combo looks FAB!
What would decorations be if you couldn't add some leopard print?

Here are just a few of the wands that Denise, Vicki, Anna and I made the other night. How cute are these?!

Mr. Leprechaun sittin' under the glass cloche

Denise, Vicki, and Anna sittin' in my dining room working on St. Patty's Day crafts. The beer wasn't green but everything else was!
tia & andrea

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