Sunday, February 21, 2010

Celebrating blue and gold style

Here are some pictures from our Cub Scout Pack's Blue and Gold Banquet as promised. I was super pleased with the was that it all looked once together. This year is the 100th anniversary of scouting and we wanted it to look like a birthday party for scouts. I made all the "word sticks" even though they are wands but I didn't think that was a good term for them since they were for boys. LOL!!! I had help with decorating from some of the Moms of our pack and my friends. Thank you all for helping set it all up!!!! ♥ Love you all!!!!! My friend Jessica made the stars that were hung on the wall and I loved how it looked!! My friend Angie snapped this picture of me as we were decorating and I wanted to share it. ☺We are scouting families and we are thrifty so we used some things that the church had already on hand. The tables had ivy bowls with the marbles already on the tables. We switched the flowers that were in them for the wands and added a balloon to the center for the centerpieces.

The boys had a great time at the banquet along with their families.

Had to share this one with you.....he happens to be our favorite Cubscout!!!

Andrea & Tia

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