Thursday, January 28, 2010

Happy Birthday, Bryson...

On this day 12 years ago, my first child and Andrea's first nephew was born. It was one of the happiest AND one of the scariest days of my life. I remember bringing him home from the hospital and just staring at him waiting for him to "do" something. He has been such a joy and a blessing to our family. As the oldest of 5, he has asserted his independence and set such a good example for his 4 younger siblings. We are so proud of him.

I think back on that day he was born and little did I know that 8 years later he would be diagnosed with Juvenile Diabetes. That was a day that changed our lives forever. As most of you know, my husband and I are huge advocates for Juvenile Diabetes and do all that we can to educate others and help in the fight for a cure. Each year, Crimson Clover {my jewelry business} creates a special piece of jewelry with the help of Bryson's artistic eye to help raise awareness and money to find a cure. Because every hour of every day, someone is diagnosed with Juvenile Diabetes, the most severe form of a disease that annually accounts for almost $100 billion in healthcare costs in the U.S. alone. Not only will they be insulin dependent for life, but devastaing and life limiting and life shortening complications such as blindness, amputation, heart disease and stroke, and kidney failure are an ever present threat. Insulin is not a cure for the disease -it is merely life support.

For more information on Juvenile Diabetes and how you can help in the fight for a cure, please click here.

So happy birthday, Bryson and thank you for teaching me so much about life and dealing with adversity. We love you!

mom (tia) & aunt andrea

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